My brother-in-law has made it to Cali... WOO HOO!
BUT What a long chaotic day!
It is 11:30pm and I am wide awake. I caught a third, maybe fifth wind and I am sitting here in a dark cold house with all the families in bed after I read them all bed time stories ;-)
I don't feel as stressed now that my sister has her husband with her and the baby. Naief was so cute today at the airport even though it took FOREVER for Hashim to get thru imigration alarms, lights and lasers! What is with LAX???!!! And the traffic coming home in rush hour traffic... and why do we have carpool lanes here? What a freakin joke that is...especially after being behind a AHOLE with no one but his sorry ass self in the truck... URGHHH!
Gosh, I thought I felt less stressed but typing about this is really starting to piss me off! Let me "veg" and read about other people's disasters!
Have a good Weekend everyone....
Hashim- Dinner out tomorrow and SCRABBLE! ;-)
You're a Scrabble player? I hope you don't allow dirty words.
Your house is dark by 11:30? I cannot remember the last time my house stopped pumping before midnight. And it is normally much later than that. I think I need a new schedule.
2 o's ?
Mt. Cat told me that Jahoooooooooni has many O's
Oh I will have a good weekend..ha, ha, ha.
I remember the first trip to LAX. I walked around in those circle gates twice before I realized I wasn't going anywhere.
Enjoy the weekend and may all the Triple Word Scores fall your way. Cheers!!
Have a great weekend!
I was only 10 years old when I flew into LAX. I don't remember much of it. Other than hearing my dad's name being called and turning around and seeing my aunt running towards us.
And then her telling us kids to use the bathroom cause it was 50 miles to her house. And in traffic that could mean 2 hrs.
Being 10 I assumed she was just really old and drove slow. LOL
Yikes! I'm stressed out just reading that all!
Have yourself a wonderful weekend with plenty of Scrabble and delicious yummy food.
Of course I allow dirty words... some make the highest points! ;-)
Sometimes dark at that time but sometimes I tend to stay up till the wee hours doing... hymn... what do I do at that time? perhaps blogging?
funny. very funny. should I start calling you dooooooooooooc?
Doesn't your face hurt by now? ;-)
I wonder if I could use "Matt-Man" as a word?
I shall have a good weekend since you blogged all those "pictures" for us to look at! ;-)
Thank your heavens you were only 10 and don't remember LAX!
Wish you lived closer so I could rub your belly for good luck!
can you play scrabble while you're out to dinner? is that frowned upon?
All I know how to Scrabble is eggs...
Have a good weekend and enjoy your family.
Oh dear, that word - stress - keeps following me around these days!
Careful what you ask for, my latest blog is a disaster epic. Again.
Hope you all had a great weekend - I am sure it was a riot.
Hope you all had a great weekend - I am sure it was a riot.
Hey, that came through twice!
i just read the word "airport" and i get stressed. i can't handle this modern world anymore.
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