I am getting a little stressed. A Lot Stressed. I have about a million things that I need to do. Okay maybe not a million but close enough. My bro-in-law flies in from Bahrain Thursday. Things need to be done around the house. Not only are we cleaning and getting ready for his arrival but my nephews 1st birthday party is Saturday and we are getting ready for that as well. Friends and family and chaos.
And then there is Brownies. Selling cookies is a lot of work. We only have 1 week left of Pre-Sales so it's Door-To-Door time. And now that my girlfriend is recovering from her cancer episode, I am responsible for the entire troops sales as well. Holy shit.
And then there is this test. I NEED to study!! It is the end of February and I have been a BIG SLACKER. I just can't get motivated. I have ordered a refresher course on line so hopefully that gets me focused.
And then I fly to Houston next week for business which that is another thing on my "I Don't Have Time For This Shit" list.
And then there is Softball practices that start THIS Friday. OMG! Oh OH OH and guess what, she will be using her pink glove! Yep. Her team are the "Diva Queens" and their uniform is black and pink! With a pink visor even. How cute is that? So there Doc! ;-) The practices are every Friday from 5:30-7:30 (why would anyone schedule such things on a Friday night?!) and also every Saturday from 1-3! THIS COMPLETELY SUCKS! And the coach is really wanting me to volunteer as team mom. what? i think not.
And then there is our Dog. That is another post for another day.
And then the rain... it has finally stopped after 5 days non-stop. I am sick of it. I want blue skies and fresh air. Maybe that will help me not to feel so stressed. I need something...
Well no wonder you haven't been studying, you've got family over and you're having too much fun, and to top it all off Hashim will be there soon. I hope your sis and Naief will have completely got over their infections by then.
*jealous* you're going to Houston soon! What part? Have you been before? What do you think? I wonder, if I go back, will I like it as much as I miss it now...
OMG DRAMA JANEEN.......First of all Why do you fell that your house has to be so perfect for your brother in-law who cares he is family....
Second if you dont have time for baseball that is what your husband is for....
Third are you trying to be brownie mom of the year? just tell Katelyn to do her best and that's all you can do dont kill your self over this its not worth it it's just cookie.....
Just relax and go out side and do your thing oh and think of me when you are doing it....ha ha ha
Love Ya
Brat brat Brat!
Hey-I miss you and I need to get away. Check how much it would cost for me to fly to AZ. I HATE that drive.
There you go, just let it all out.
Do you feel better now?
A lot of times I just rant away on my blog and I feel much better. So, good job on that!
In this situation I always decide to forget the house cleaning part. As long as the bathroom is clean, I don't worry too much. ;-)
Janeen ~ you are such a spaz! But I'd be that way too given the circumstances. Chill....it will all work out. Just have a drink(s) and then some!
P.S. Bet you never thought I'd comment huh?
OMG PEOPLE!!! Suziq JUST COMMENTED!!!!! If you are new here you'll have to go back aways to see a pic of me with one of my best friends Suzi. Suzi doesn't blog. And I really don't think she'll be back here to check to see if I had a remark for her... BUT HOLLY CRAP, she has been reading my blog. Ha! LOVE YA. ;-)
Oh wait, I have 3 best friends and none of them blog. How is that?
So, can I sample your cookies?
marci, i'm sitting here reading this blog and comments... and i swear, janeen says "marci has a good point" and i SWEAR.. i have been telling her the same thing for the last two weeks. drama... you don't even know.
he could care less....
really... it's the party that's taken over her life...
and blogging!
AND I'M NOT PUTTING YOU DOWN. you don't listen to me. i told you not to stress... just take it easy. no worries. sit back and enjoy this time because in ONE MONTH, it will be over. gone. khalas. bas.
i know you want everything to be great... and IT WILL BE. i'm the virgo - the worrier - so leave the worryn to me!
Dear sister...
If you read up on MY SIGN then you should know that the CANCER in me "tends" to the home. It is the foundation of the sign. So maybe.. the stress fits me to the T.
Okay that is the Texan in me folks. Yep, I was born a born Hoosier and raised a Texan. Lord, no wonder why I stress!
Is that Suzi Quatro, the little rock singer of the 70s? I'm impressed! I agree with the Marci that you're trying to do too much. Take the afternoon off, have a facial and a massage, and you'll feel like a new woman.
"Why Thank You Mr. Gorilla Man... I shall treasure that comment forever".
Now say that with the Texan drawl.
I go back there in less than 2 weeks, gosh, how many years has it been now? Whew... scary. I wonder if i'll get my slang back?
I didn't think people affiliated with Brownies and Girl Scouts were allowed to say, "holy shit." Isn't that a violation of rule number 237 of the sacred oath? ;)
You should just stand outside of the local grocery store. The broads who do it in my neighborhood make out like bandits.
Isn't it funny how everything seems to happen all at the same time. Sometimes nothing's going on, the next minute - what do you know? No way of keeping up with it all.
Thanks for visiting!
you do sound like you have too much going on.... Don't forget to study. Well maybe on your plane trip.
Oh and don't think I didn't see that little shot you took at me...
What's wrong with your dog?
Good luck with all of that. Personally, I'd be calling for the coach's head after scheduling those funky practice times. Cheers!!
There's always time for Vodka.... or is it There's always room for Jello?
JELLO SHOTS! ::cheers::
I'll take a thousand boxes of Thin Mints.
Thanks Everyone for all the great advise to destress myself.
really? don't say that and not order. It is a poor little girl scout that needs your support! ;-)
Oh my dear, I used to despise soccer practice too. What evil person without a life schedules that stuff on Friday nights and every darn Saturday morning? I feel your pain on this one.
Traveling makes it harder to keep up with things at home - I know that too. Just be gentle with yourself, my dear one.
what the hell is "team mom"? do you adopt all other kids for the season? i don't think you'll all fit in the christmas card photo.
He is a puppy and the breed is hyper. He won't mind at all. I need to call Ceasar.
You can sample on if you buy some! ;-)
THis is going to suck hard core, so I will be whinny and bitching a lot, you sure you want to stick around?
Kara and Leighann,
Let's meet for those Vodka shots!
Woah.....I feel tired just reading all you have to do! WOW.
Not to sound like a nerdy adult and all, but take time to study. You don't want to have take it again or deal with consequences of not doing well.
Rely on those around you for help also!
I know. I must find that happy spot, go there with my books and study.
Hi, Jahooni!
Just how much are the cookies?
And, do you deliver?
Whoa, you do have your hands full. Where's your husband during all this? I wish I could email you a Valium sis.
Deliver... yes Girl Scouts delivers their cookies to their customers.. where exactly on the planet are you from??? ;-)
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