Okay okay... maybe it is a slow thinking day for me. I saw a friend last night that I haven't seen in a long time. He was discussing his life as a bachelor and he has used various computer agencies to find a mate. It never worked out for him. Maybe his profile needs to be redone. Hymn....
I don't think I could find love this way... but I guess it works for some. I however don't know of anyone that has found match, have any of you?
HA! - that cartoon is priceless!
(and probably true as well)
I sent my profile in once and a prison site was emailed to me. Cheers!!
By the way, thanks for the link. I will be most happy to do the same. Cheers Jahooni!!
Matt-Man just reminded me. I need to check to make sure I put you on my blog roll. If not I will right now.
I've put a few ads out there but only on the free sites. I think the fact that I will only use the free sites is a strike against me right there. ;-)
i noticed that you never added me and i was offended. devestated. hurt. sad. rejected. pissed off! ;)
There's an old saying in the game of Bridge: "With a hand like this, who needs a partner".
Call me picky, but have you ever heard of any UNsingle bachelors?
BTW, that profile fits me perfectly.
Gilbert the alien..
Welcome. Did I say that? really? omg-let me edit quickly.
Why didn't you notice?
Sorry I missed that one... I will work harder next time...
You have your own personal proof reader? I'm impressed.
Okay Gilbert.. who are you? Spill the beans.
I'm green, alien and have no control over my mucous membranes. That's it really.
Spill it !!!
this is getting silly!
If I had to match make online, I would match me with myself because I graduated from the Contortionist University. :)
Upset Waitress...
do me a favor, go on doc's blog and vote for Subway's Oil & Vinegar combo. I am in a contest and I MUST WIN!!!!
I voted for the Subway O.V. only because you asked me to. Not happy about it since Hollandaise sauce was an option. Ummmm, I really like foods that go to my ass sister!!!
you wouldn't BELIEVE the freaks i've met.
Wonderful cartoon - I know a few who have tried online dating but they never seemed to find anyone remotely human.
I am literally hoking right now...!!!! OMG too funny
shit,, I gotta breath
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