I am counting down the days that this man is out of office... Yippee! Actually I think this picture is too kind, don't you?
Heard on Kiss FM (Ryan Seacrest) radio show this morning that Obama was playing basketball this morning and couldn't "call in to the show" but Hillary did. I would think that of all days TODAY is not the day to be playing basketball. Ping Pong maybe but not basketball... j/k
I hope to get to the voting polls today after work. However, I have the worse flew/crud/chest cold/virus, etc. EVER! Gawd, I feel that a train has litteraly run over my chest. It hurts to breathe and the cough that comes with this... Evil Evil Evil. I have an earache today as well. No fever thank goodness but I complelty feel like shit. My husband brought this lovely gift home about a month ago and passed it around the house. I was taking Airbourne praying that I wouldn't get it, but WHAMMY I GOT IT!

Please send some well wishes my way or something to make me laugh people! Don't make me laugh too hard because my chest really hurts! ;-)
I hope you feel better! Tea with lemon and honey is my home remedy. It even cured me of syphilis once.
Oh dear, oh dear, sounds like what I had in December. My chest hurt too. Make sure it's not bronchitis, apparently that causes chest pain and a rattling cough.
Honestly don't know what to recommend coz I tried all sorts of things myself...
Get lots of rest and drink plenty of warm fluids is all, and take an expectorant that contains guaifenesin to clear the lungs.
Hope you get better fast. I usually rely on Scotch or tequila when I get the crud like that. ;-)
Hey, I'm sick too but I am sending best wishes to ya...
You're too cute to be sick.
Bad flu bugs, bad!
The one place a cold never goes is to the buttocks, so I suggest you relax a comfortable chair and focus on how good your ass feels.
After that, try a spoon of honey followed by a bathroom full of steam.
I'll have George Bush rub some Vick's Vapor Rub on your sore chest.
Then Dick Cheney can do your hair.
"I feel that this little whammy guy is going around me banging my head and chest really hard!
I so want to be that little Whammy guy. Get well Jahooooooni. Cheers!!
Either you want to laugh or you don't, make up your damn mind! Geesh! :)
Ooh, that sounds nasty. Hope you manage to get out to cast your vote.
I quite like the idea that Obama was too busy playing basketball - kind of like Drake finishing his game of bowls before going off to beat up the Spanish Armada. The stuff of legends!
I hade it. It sucked. Feel better soon.
I'm sending you happy, healthy thoughts and by way of attempting to make you laugh I have a really lame (but hilarious to me) joke/line for you:
Two peanuts were walking down a spooky road at night... One was assaulted.
It made me laugh :) Feel better!
Thanks everyone.... I still feel like crap so keep the love commin'
What makes it worse is that I fly to Houston at 6am tomorrow morning. Last night I could not sleep from coughing so much. I must find something to keep me from coughing or they will push me out of the emergency exit on the plane. That is how awful i sound!!!
That funny little guy made me laugh. Even if he is President.
Get well soon x
so if he is out...who do ya want in..?
I know..vote Jahooni...but seriously..
and where did the name Jahooni come from?
I visit your blog all the time!
I even comment on Doc's blog to you.
I love your blog!
Hey Ellie...
Jahooni is a nickname my sister Tooners (now Um Naief) gave to me. She left America to follow her lover boy to Bahrain. I guess since my name starts with a J (6 letters)
she thought Jahooni fit me perfectly and actually it does.
Send me love... more lovin' I think it is helping cure what I have! ;-)
maybe obama isn't wanting to stress too much about it... it's only the primaries... so he has a ways to go....
as far as this bug... my chest hurt really bad too and my ears hurt for the longest time. the ear aches will come and go w/ it, and the runny nose, stopped up nose, chest pain, cough, then really bad cough, then sick, sick, sick, sick, sick... well... you have this yet to come. great stuff to look forward too, huh?!!
i'm about over it, finally. just coughing a tad bit.. and i'm soooo thankful. my nose is running again today, so i'm praying like a mad cow that i don't get it again!
and dear lord... you're leaving tomorrow.... and i hope no one on the plane has anything else that you might catch and bring back!!! stay away from ppl in houston!
isn't that a real picture of bush? lol
i bet that when he gets kicked out of office some people somewhere will throw a huge party! and i will be there!
(found you from karen)
Welcome Jay Cam! ;-)
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