I was searching for a great New Years Picture when I stumbled across this one.... isn't it so true though? Isn't this the #1 resolution that people make every year that only last for days?
I did not make any resolutions, wait I take that back... I made one. But I am giving myself the ENTIRE year to make this change. Mine is to be healthier. Eat less fat, less sugar, drink less alcohol, drink more water... If I don't say the D word *** DIET*** but I say "healthier" than maybe just maybe these 20 extra pounds that follow me like shadow will disappear!!!
So HAPPY NEW YEARS everyone! Cheers. Burp. Brain Freeze from my Margarita. ouch!
Don't you dare stop drinking. It's life only true joy. The one that doesn't judge you at all. Not even the next morning.
lol. god love the margarita!!!!
i hate those brain freezes.... ummmm... i think chili's is calling!!!
Great goal...I have the same one!
Smart way to go about the resolution thing. No reason to expect perfection on day one. Gotta ease into these things.
Margaritas ... mmmmmm
I hear ya, girl! Happy New Year!
Thanks for finding my blog... that enabled me to find yours. I like what I read and want to read more... Would you mind if I linked your blog up to mine for easy access? (feel free to do the same with mine if you want)
BTW - good resolutions - EXCEPT the drink less one ;-)
-Shane (doc)
which one are you in your picture?
I would be honored if you put me on your blogroll for easy access
;-) Wait that sounded bad, didn't it? LOL
I am the one on the left. (the taller good looking one- LOL)
Maybe one of these is a better picture of me:
(and I already made the decision that I needed easier access to you anyway - still sounds bad huh?) ;-)
Funny. I like funny.
Well crap... It cut off my links. E-mail me at docnolz at yahoo dot com if you want them... LOL!
- doc
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