Kate's first game is tonight! Isn't her uniform just the cutest thing? You can't see it in this picture but her socks are pink with white hearts on them. Her team are called the "The Diva Queens" and their colors are black and PINK! Woo Hoo! Mommy is thrilled PINK! ;)
Awhile back I posted some pictures of my daughter from last season showing the cutest pink glove that she played with, BUT a certain so-in-so DOC made several remarks that the color PINK should not be allowed anywhere in the game of baseball or I guess even softball. But after all the comments Doc changed his mind and actually said that it was kinda cute. Kinda.
The schedule that these girls have to do is CRAZY! She has batting cage practice every Monday night. Games are NOW every other Wednesday and also every other Saturday. Friday nights are practice. If no game Saturday then a practice is scheduled. Can you believe that? Lordy, how do parents handle more than 1 at a time?
Anyways, I need everyone to THINK PINK for the DIVA QUEENS!!! ;)~
Awesome... she's even got a matching bat!
Baseball season is drawing near too. I can hardly wait - because the Braves are going to win it this year - believe me you!
They don't have to play the Diva Queens do they? 'Cause that would spell trouble for the Braves ;)
Thanks REH! Diva Queens will woop ass tonight. ;)~
Wishing those girls in hot pink all the best at the game tonight!
Diva Queens? Think Pink? Is the team coach from the Castro District of San Francisco? Kate is a doll who has her mother's cheeks.
Really fantastic color coordination there. She looks like she's ready to go out there and bang out a couple of hits!
The Diva Queens!! That's fantastic!
Pink gives me hives ;)
I LOVE those uniforms. GOOD LUCK DIVAs.
Well now, I think I might be from the "There's no PINK in baseball/softball" camp as well, but damn she is a cutie!
I bet she throws like a girl. Cheers!!
Actually what I said was that a baseball glove shouldn't be pink... and I am still torn on that beacause I still believe it but your daughter is so darn cute that I deceide to give her a pass... ;-)
That is the best team kit I have ever seen - even if they don't win many games they can be sure tbey are the cutest team ever!
Damn, they're on a major leauge schedule! She looks very cute in her pink uniform.
Thanks everyone....I think she is kinda cute too ;)~
They played the Fireballs last night and The DIVA QUEENS WON 2-1.
Woo Hoo.
Oh that is just too precious!!!!
Hope they kicked some non-pink team's ASS!
Jahooni, little girly is a cutie. Haha I have a vision of those girls blinding their opponents with their fuchsia uniforms and winning every game. Next year you should do a lime green theme.
I don't use the D word, but I hope your daughter carries the D queens to the championship!!
Have a great weekend!!
The other team was probably totally demoralized by the Divas' uniform!
Hate to tell you this but the time commitment only gets worse. My daughter just finished several clincs and an indoor tournament with her summer team. She practices twice a week for middle school ball, and they haven't even held tryouts yet. Besides that she is going to a batting instructor once every other week and conditioning twice a week.
Her summer league starts Memorial Day and ends Labor Day. Each weekend is a tournament (usually out of the city).
Even so, I try not to miss a game. They are only kids once and it's a blast to watch.
Good grief!
Does that much cuteness require your applying for a special license...or filling out an environmental impact statement?
Still, at least someone is being creative! I'll salute them for that.
Who are you Doug?
Thanks for the visit yesterday. I see a lot of familliar faces here in you comment section.
That's a cute picture of your daughter. Baseball's in the air again. Yeah spring!
Go Pink!
I can't believe you don't know who Doug is.
too cute. I love the uniforms!
thanks everyone and my new visitors! I will post tomorrow, i am very depressed since my sister left. I will have a boo hoo post tomorrow. stay tuned.
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