Update: Did I tell you that the "new" assistant that was hired just two weeks ago is now in Hawaii at her condo sucking down Mai Tei's???
Yep, she worked for 7 days. It was a tease. A big TEASE! 7 freakin' days and off to Hawaii not to be back until the middle of March! (she is the "assistant" that was hired for me that only wants to work 40 weeks out of the year) Yes the same assistant that I thought would be here everyday 5 days a week...
Now I am back in the same load of crap! But with a new desk and chair in my office patiently awaiting her arrival (again....)! I have already started using the desk for another in box for myself. How sad is that? Do you feel my pain?
Oh Oh Oh and NOW I NEED TO HIRE A "LEVEL 1" assistant for myself to cover when "she" is out! What the *&^%&^&*^*%*%%*^%#@!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me Larry?
People need island time.
Agreed with Reggie.
Look at it this way - at least you're important enough to have an assistant AND an assistant to your assistant.
You're indisposable!!
Rock on and enjoy the week.
You guys can hire me to be your new assistant. Where do I send my resume.
You do pay relocation, right? ;-)
I suggest you apply for your assistant's job, so they're paying you for two jobs. Then resign the senior job and go to Hawaii.
She's the assistant right? YOU should be the one on vacation...
...I think something's wrong here. I feel your pain.
At least she'll be tan when she comes back. Does that help? ;)
I want to be in Hawaii. Hell, I will settle for a day off to sleep late.
Suck it up and get to work...If that doesn't work, drink heavily. Cheers!!
Jahooni, I am on you side - this sort of thing totally sucks. I often think it is easier to say "I will do it, just give ME the extra money,OK?"
Sending a big Rock Chef hug!
Can I be your assistant? I love vacations! ;)
Just make her pay when she returns! Delegate heavily! Make her file! Work through lunches!
I know... but I NEED IT TOO!
Rock on my new friend... rock on.
you can be my assistant. no resume required but you will always allow me to win at Scrabble right? oh and I forgot my password to Facebook! Give me some time to remember it....
Why didn't i think of that ;)
Thank you my friend... thank you. Maybe I'll take a picture of myself using the middle finger like your post. ha! ;)
Captain Corkey,
You should be slapped for that! But you would probably like that, wouldn't you? ;)
We both deserve to be there!
Send me some bagwine fast! ;)
Rock Chef,
you are always on my side (since day one... thank you... and i feel the Love Hug) :)
Welcome back! Where is Doc and TMC?
be my assistant?? woo hoo ;)
mmmm...sounds yummy for her...
Wish I could veiw a sunset and pop back a few while listening to the waves crash on the beach.
Breath Jahooni Breath!
Maybe she'll bring you back a gift??!! ;)
Jahoooooni, I wish you were my boss. I'd love to get a vacation that early at a job! LOL.
Is that bitch blowin the boss man or something? And Yes. I feel your pain. That kind of crap happens to me all the time. Only I feel lucky if they ever come back. Most of them don't bother even telling me they're leaving.
That sucks! I can't even take a vacation until my colleague comes back because I'm doing two jobs now too. If I even go to the bathroom my work piles up. Why don't you and I just pull a Thelma & Louise and run off to Hawaii??
What do you mean I reformatted my blog. It's the same old thing.
Jahooooni, we won a peach!
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