I was up most of the night tossing and turning. I was dead tired and went to bed right after American Idol but around 3am I couldn't sleep. Couldn't fall back to sleep. What does one do at 3am when they can't sleep? Either Sex or Think Think Think. My mind was racing. It sucked. I did however think about how I sleep and the positions in which I choose to sleep. I have only one way I can fall asleep. I have to be on my tummy with 3 pillows (sometimes 4) I use them to snuggle into... depends on which side (left or right) I start on but either side I will have my leg (knee) bended up near my stomach. One thing is constant - I CAN NOT SLEEP without one leg or foot out of the blankets. Seriously. I can't fall asleep unless I start off this way. My daughter does the same thing but she can sleep in all kinds of positions but she has to have atleast one foot or leg out from under the blankets.
So this is what I thought about for hours before getting up this morning. How do I sleep? What do I look like while I sleep? Do I go into several positions through the night and really who in the F**K cares! ;-)
So in my 5 minute reserch on the topic I came across this Picture. The list below i guess relates to it.
What your sleeping position says about you ...
Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. More than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position.
Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible.
People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it.
Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards.
Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.
Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.
So what do you think and how do you sleep? Maybe I need a new position so I can sleep the entire night!
I sleep on my tummy with my arms tucked and my hands are actually tucked underneath my thighs. I think that pretty much says "I'm sleeping, do not disturb." But who knows.
That is so funny, only tonight after dinner I was saying to my mother that despite all the stress tests the doc is giving me at the moment, it doesn't matter how I feel on any day, when I go to sleep, I sleep. Imagine what a state I'd be in if I woke up in the middle of the night to worry too!
Anyhoo...looking at those pics, I would say I am a combo. I am a Foetal Yearner.
Note to Upset Waitress - that is how I sleep when I am really really cold! (Like in Alpine Italian hotels in December when the heating is off between 3 and 6 am. Brrrr.)
Hmmm... I'm a strange guy - but I guess you already knew that.
While I usually start out in the starfish position, that is never how I fall asleep.
How I fall asleep is not represented in these pictures.
I lay half of my belly, half on the side. My right leg pointed straight down, while my left leg is curled up in a fetal position to give support to that half side laying. My right arm is bundled up beneath my body, while my left reaches around and is tucked in underneat the pillow, giving extra support to my head, which lay sideways on the pillow.
There - bet you didn't see that long explanation coming ;)
Never ever think about your position when you're trying to sleep. When you start to think about crap like that you can kiss a good night's rest goodbye. Just get into bed, say "fuck everyone" and go out like a lamp. I, of course, get into my hammock.
When I wake up in the middle of the night like that and can't sleep I usually get a glass of milk and get on the internet. I surf some blogs or some forums and after about 30 - 45 mins I'm able to go back to sleep. Usually.
Most of the time I struggle to get to sleep anyway, but when I do I sleep on my side.
Fetal position, 100%. However, I'm like a dog in that I have to get into 2 or 3 different positions first, before resigning myself to the fetal.
I also ThinkThinkThink at 3am and beyond!
I use the same position as r.e.h. but often end up as a diagonal Soldier with my legs across my wife's side of the bed - she ends up as a foetus huddled in the top corner of the bed!
I lay in whatever position wins me the most warmth from my husbands furnace body!!
I am a Freefaller. I think it is just because I fall pass out drunk each night. I am only half serious. Really.
I sleep on my back and my feet have to be uncovered.
If you need a new sleep position to try, how about try sleeping on top of me a couple of times and see if that feels good. Cheers!!
You guys crack me up! ;-)
I generally sleep with one leg out of the covers too... wonder if most people do that but nobody ever talks about it? ;-)
I am a starfish most of the time, sometimes fetus... I swtich it up.
Get lost Jason.
Jason Rocks!!
you didn't say Cheers!!
who is Jason??
Well, I am a YEARNER, and I am a YEARNER!! Really! It was a very accurate description!
I need to come back here more often, especially now that you've seen me half-nekkid *wink*
Welcome. It's about time we start talking since you have 2 of my peaches!!!!! ;)~
Holy Crap...CHEERS!!
Jason the $900/mo guy.
Jahoooooni, That's hilarious! I am definitely a Yearner.
Ahhh he's a spammer. I'd delete his comment or change it if that's an option for ya. Change his url to jasonsucksc*cks.com if ya can.
hey you... watcha readin? ;-)
i will let him enjoy his five minutes first. ;-p
I think I sleep starfish
hello Doc. where have you been? ;-)
Ha ha, the Freefall persona exactly describes me. I very often wake up at three am and can't get back to sleep. My mind is racing. But often I'll pop a Tylenol PM in the middle of the night. Makes me wake up groggy but its that or tossing and turning for four hours.
i generally sleep in the starfish position, but i try to smother myself with a pillow on my face. i like sleeping on my side too, crushing the hell out of a pillow.
I sleep sitting up. My eyes open and close quite often and a lot of times I drool on myself and mumble incoherently. Oh wait... That's right after I shoot up. ;)
I'm a little bit foetus, but they forgot to add that death cuddle of 4 big fluffy pillows.
I know - I'm a tad bizarre.
i take those sometimes before bed but always afraid to get up at 2 or 3 and pop one because i would sleep all day!!!
Welcome. how did you find me?
I sleep with 4 pillows too. ;-)
Captain Corky,
omgosh, ur funny. ;-)
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