Tuesday, July 31, 2007


He is getting a MULTI MILLION SUM for his

" Memories".... an Autobiography.

Really? Is this SERIOUS? Does he even remember anything???? I bet he can't even remember who he had sex with yesterday!

I have "memories"....does anyone care?

Maybe he should just BLOG them! What do you think about all this nonsense??

I have seen the Rolling Stones in concert (once... about 9 years ago or so BUT)... When will a "Rock Band" ever call it quits? My Gawd, they are Old and Gross. Isn't this the one that snorted his father's remains???


Have a great day.

1 comment:

Um Naief said...

yeah, he's the one that said he snorted his father's ashes, only to come back after that interview and say he was kidding. like he'd remember!

i can't see HOW IN THE WORLD he can do a book, because, like you say, how does he remember anything. he was addicted to heroin for years upon years and i would think w/ that and hte booze that everything w/ a big blur... and who knows what other drugs he's taken.

anything to make money it seems.