Sunday, July 29, 2007

How Do You Say Sorry????

I am sorry.

Hey, I am sorry CUZ


Sorry. (I feel like crap)


I am sorry for saying I would be there.

I was Not.

I wanted to Be.

I was Not.

I wished I was there.

I was Not.

I Suck.

It was far....
It was Hot...
It was 5am and I was thinking SHIT, we have to drive 5 hours or (6) and then again (6) the next day....
I am sorry. I had to work Saturday. It sucked. I have to work next Saturday. It will suck again....

hope that you will forgive me.

Happy Birthday Dear Madison.... Happy Birthday To You..........


Anonymous said...

That's was rude of you for not calling all weekend to let me know what was going on.....and now it's Monday and still no call....

Jahooni said...

I called twice yesterday and last night at 10, check your phone. I called. I wanted to wait until your company left....check your phone.

Um Naief said...

there'll be other bdays! for goodness sakes... is IT that big of a deal????

Um Naief said...

you know, i just saw your thing at the bottom of this post that it was madison's first bday. it's not like she'll even remember that you didn't call. sounds like the mom was more mad... which... life is short. get over it.

there'll bed TONS of other bdays!!

Anonymous said...

To Janeen's sister that's not my point Im not mad at Janeen she had us all worried that something was wrong if she new that she was not going to make it then she should have call to let us ....instead of us worring about them......We thought that maybe you were stuck on the side of the road

Um Naief said...

well... saying your coming and not going is one thing.

but hey anon... i'm used to this. so smile and realize that miss jahooni doesn't always call... altho she said she did. ;)

plus, she tells me all the time that she's coming here... and i've yet to see the passport.

she should have called and left word that she wasn't coming.

Um Naief said...

and... if i don't see the passport within the next 5 mths... why check on air??? you have to have a passport before you can travel here.

have you gotten that????????? hmmmmmm??????