I am sooooo irritated! I just want to slap the next stupid person that walks up to me! This is what happened today at lunch.
My boss buys me lunch almost everyday. We eat together and talk business. So today he comes in and had me order Subway. I called in the order.
I ordered (for myself) a 6" Veggie on Wheat. Mustard Only. Pepperjack Cheese. With extra onions and yellow peppers. Oil & Vinegar. Salt & Pepper.
Guess what I freakin got??????
6" wheat bread with onions and yellow peppers ONLY!!!!!! Are you kidding me? What the? No other veggies. Just that. I mean, who in their right mind would order just that! My Gawd people are idiots!
I called the store after I ate... bread with onions and complained. Yep, I did. And let me tell you... I COMPLAINED. I get a free sandwhich since the stupid employee didn't realize to put all the other "veggies" on it! I wasn't wanting a free anything, just wanted the manager to know what Idiots he has working for him.
I guess this is how Jarid lost all of his weight on the Subway Diet. Order a veggie sandwhich and get one veggie!!!!!
I am hungry and pissed.
Happy Monday People. Do me a favor, slap the nearest Stupid Person you come in contact with today. It will make me feel better. ;)~
I don't let them put mustard on my sandwich cause they put half the freaking bottle on there. No matter how many times I tell them "very little mustard" they just pile it on. I made them remake the sandwich the last time they did it. Losers.
If I slap all the stupid people I'll get nothing else done the entire day!
I would end up slapping myself. I tend to have "blonde moments" frequently. And I am soooo not blonde. (uh, no offense on that one Jahooni, my fair-haired friend.)
And these people call themselves sandwich artists!!!
Some people need to be given some serious counselling...
The slap should be one hand on both cheeks with a rapid backhand-forehand motion. I hope they didn't forget the cheese. That would be a kick-in-the-butt offence.
I had Subway yesterday too.... But I watched them make my sub so they couldn't make it wrong...
I followed your request and slapped the hell out of myself. Feel Better? Cheers!!
Hmmm... I slapped this person for you... and now I'm being sued.
Yeah, I hate it when they do screw up your order. I once ordered a Quarter Pounder at McD's - no pickles, to go.
When I got home I realized the damn thing was bread, meat, PICKLE and cheese only...
I guess this is how Jarid lost all of his weight on the Subway Diet.
I won't tell you that I just had a wonderful BLT bagel and have 2 pieces of cheese cake brownie waiting for pudding...
I think that you are nearest one to me. LOL
Was there some sort of telepathic signal telling us to eat Subway yesterday? I was also there and had a Baja Steak sub. Mmmm...spicy!
oh yah, i had mustard (tons) of it along with my onions. Losers.
So True.
Did you just make a Blonde Joke on my blog? What? That is a no no no! Geez... it's a good thing I like those big red lips of yours ;)~
That is what I was thinking? I mean com on' what kind of artwork did I get stuck with? I'll hop over today.
Back and forth motion for sure. No they put the cheese on there. 2 little bitty pieces covered in mustard and onions ;)~
I was too busy to go. That I guess is my fault? I THINK NOT!
I do feel better. thanks ;)~
McDonalds. Gosh that sounds pretty good since I am starved.
thanks, i too crack myself up at times.
Rock Chef,
I want to slap you for that!
Omgosh, it has been too long. Let me come over there to your land.
Miss Apple,
You are mean. That sounds yummy!
I know it in my sleep...I want a 6 inch Subway Club on white, not toasted with swiss, lettuce, cucumber, green pepper, oil and vinegar and salt and pepper, diet coke with baked lays chips.
I never call in my order but yesterday we were so busy at work.
That sounds yummy, i might try it since i get a freebie.
I laughed and laughed at this. I feel your pain.
I was in your neck of the woods this weekend my darling girl!
Nice and warm down there I have to tell you - oh - and fantastic tequila infused drinks every which way I turned.
And why didn't you stop by?
Let me go bitch at you over there.
Why bore my readers?
Well, at least when you complain/send food back to the kitchen, you get a free sandwich/free meal/raincheck! I've never had anything free here for complaining, in fact it's barely acknowledged...or at best you get an apology and a great deal of shoulder shrugging and head shaking...
Have you actually giggled about it yet? A bun full of yellow peppers? *snigger*
I am the oppo of Jay
I make them pu double mustard
lettuce, tom. pickles, olives, jalapenoes, onions, salt and peppa
thats me!
I'm so isolated here on my hill that I found nobody to slap. I do play pretty rough with my dog Luca, so I gave her a little slap and pretended she worked at Subway.
Is that OK?
Does it have to be just one? I seem to be surrounded by stupid people and I really wouldn't mind slapping around a few extra...
Where is my sis, um naief? she goes back home and hasn't blogged one time! Loser. Let's slap her.
Southern Sage,
Mustard burns extra calories so I am with ya my man!
Don't slap the pets. They know no better, but wait, i have an idiot stupid dog so let's! ;)~
Don't slap anyone right now... being pregnant and all might do the body harm. **giggles**
how is the little BOY butter bean?
Butterbean is great :) but you will NOT get the sex out of me, nice try you little sneaky one!
Just heading out for lunch. Hope you get a better one today!
Hm, guess I deserved a slap for that...
Just heading out for lunch. Hope you get a better one today!
Hm, guess I deserved a slap for that...
Okay, but my hand is really, really going to hurt.
stupid people..
yesterday I'm driving home, guy in front of me makes a right hand turn...the person at the intersection doesn't see I am behind him and doesn't wait to go.. I almost T-Boned the bitch.
After I was done screaming from fear of losing my children in the car, I look at her...she is like 90years old.
I can't stand old people drivers..they are worse than teens.
As for the sandwich.. would of had to eat my own finger.
What total suckage...damn those ignoramuses
What Dana said.
Also - Zen Master to Subway guy: "Make me one with everything."
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