I was given, well if you want to call it that, this award today from doc, a blogger friend of mine that I turn to everyday for a laugh. Every Tuesday Doc has this contest that is kinda fun to play but yet every Tuesday I lose. Yep, every single time. Really it isn't just his contest it is any that I play. I go around to all of these blogs and all these freakin people have been given this award for that, or this, or for just being a freakin cool blogger. blah blah blah but not me.
Big L on my forehead LOSER! I mean shoot, I have played Scabulous with Jay, another blogger friend of mine, for the last few days (and nights ;)) and he has kicked my ASS so bad that I actually have red marks on my butt cheeks! Again, me = LOSER!
Anyways, in DOC'S contest one must be funny. Well, in my distorted mind I am funny. But maybe I am not as funny as I think I am!
But I don't complain... no not at all. I take my losing streak with pride and just back away and let the winners have their moments in fame. Yeppers that is me. Calm and reserved. So really I am confused on this award. But I guess I will take it and honor it and say Thank you Doc. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. Wow. A Big Thanks!!! ;)~
Congratulations on a Damn Award!
Also, belated congrats to the Diva Queens for winnning the game!
Still miss your sis? *hug*
Well done.
Be proud.
Ahhh ... but this is an award NEVER awarded to anyone else who has commented on Doc's blog! That makes you SPECIAL!! Besides, who can compete with the likes og Leighann??
Congrats on the award!
I think we need photographic proof as to how red that ass actually is. LOL ;-)
I've just been getting lucky tiles so far. It comes and goes in streaks.
Congrats on the award !!
I think you really deserve it!
Ok so next Tuesday maybe I will post an article about pink baseball gloves and see who can win a Peach... PSYCH !!
Seriously, I am glad you come to my blog... you are so much fun
Jahoooni, Now on Friday I will have my top ten list. Get a good night sleep and get ready to post some funny comments so you can win my Lion Kiss award!
whatever this is...you totally deserve it.
why thank you everyone... i am now getting teary eyed. **sniffles**
oh, and i forgot to thank God because without Him nothing would be possisble.
And my mother for the pain that i caused her not only while she birthed me but all these 34 years of agony that i have caused her...
And, ....... ;)~
You're as funny as you think you are, Jahooni. And that's quite a lot!
Congratulations, you're like a queen or a princess now. I kneel down and pinch your butt.
do gorillas pinch butts? I thought they only pick at bugs in the fur?
Congrats on the award and your happiness. Now, let's see the red marks. Cheers!!
That award ROCKS!
I wanna see the red marks too!
Awards are awesome.
That is a great award!
BTW I think you are really funny. Maybe Doc is just not sophisticated enough to appreciate you!
Jahooooni...you deserve it...congratulations..and I think you are damn funny!
Thanks for the blogroll.
right back atcha!
I'll bet you look lovely in red marks...
Are you guys wanting to see a pic of my butt? ;)~ i am not part of the HNT so i don't think so!
Damn [nice] Award!
Don't worry about your losing streak... I have a feeling you're about to win something...
Congrats on the Award! I'm kind of feeling down today. Wanna play checkers? ;)
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