Okay I have a problem. I have lied to my daughter for almost 8 years now. I have taught her to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Gosh am I missing one? Did I make up a Turkey that Flies? Nope, just those I guess. Does she know the real reasons for the seasons, yes but....
My husband and I grew up with the same lies and traditions as children, so we just followed suit. BUT MY GOSH, she MUST know by now! Com on'. I think we are getting played as parents. I haven't mentioned the Easter Bunny at all this year and I haven't even bought one thing for her basket. And I don't know if I am going to...
I think she knew at Christmas but didn't say a word!
I want to say something but really don't know how to go about it. Suggestions?
Damn the ones that started this nonsense!
Ummm ... Jahooni ... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but my son (who just turned 12 on the 1st) did NOT know about Santa Claus until this recent Christmas. When he asked me if Santa was real, and I came clean, the next words out of his mouth were, "So, I suppose you LIED about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy too!"
No good advice here ... I just waited until I got caught - red handed and fuzzy tailed - in the big, giant lie!
I say try to figure out a way to make it all her fault that you've been lying to her all these years. It's worth a try. ;-)
I was a big defender of Santa but never fell for the Easter Bunny. I just faked it.
Why spoil her fun? I believed in the Easter Bunny and Father Christmas until I was about twelve and I've turned out perfectly normal ;) I still kind of believe in the Easter Bunny now actually.
I believe in the Easter Gorilla. If she asks, just tell her that they're imaginary people. Children have imaginary friends, so they're in no composition to complain.
I remember the Christmas when I was 7 or 8, I ran down the stairs to look at what Santa left me under the tree, picked up the biggest box, read the label, and exclaimed, "Mummy! It's just Daddy's handwriting disguised!"
I wasn't disappointed, just took it matter of factly.
We make a trail of chocolate kisses to the Easter basket. When the boy wakes up we tell him to follow the trail of rabbit poop to his basket.
My son definitely knows there is no Santa. Like I'm gonna have that fat bastard take credit for all those gifts I bought with my hard earned cash. Tooth fairy? Never. He stuck a tooth under his pillow once. I think I left a penny under there. It was funny.
Whoa Up!
are you sayin
those folks aint real?
She will figure it out on her own, if she hasn't already. My son did. Of course, much like his father he is a so very smart. Cheers Jahoooooni!!!
Oh sure...and next you're going to say the Green Hornet is make believe too!
Kill joy
I don't think you are supposed to say anything aobut....I think your daughter will come to you when she knows the truth.
Yeah, advice from a child-less person. Take it for it is worth.
I think some kids really DO believe in those characters a little longer.
I was an only child till my brother came along when I was twelve - and I knew about the "lie" a few years before that, but my parents kept up the traditions because we all had fun "believing" on those holidays.
I never said anything to them, but when my brother came along, it just sort of changed that we were doing it for him instead of me, and that I would help hide the Easter eggs or fill the stockings.
I still get a stocking from Santa to this day.
I figure just go with it, you both might know what's going on, but it's still fun, right?
I feel your pain. I feel eternally guilty for the same lies I've spouted to my little ones.
But the 6 year old is getting wise - he informed me recently that he thinks the toothfairy isn't real. Sad though - he hasn't even lost a tooth yet ;-(
Yeah, just have her watch the movie Harvey and then be all, "See? All giant rabbits are invisible. Eat your damn eggs."
Simple as that.
Okay Okay. I am not going to say anything. I was just irritated yesterday knowing that I have put off my shopping for the Glorious Event.
You are freakin funny! Great IDEA! ;)~ **giggles**
I will go today to buy her Easter Basket goodies but I draw my limit with Peeps! No Way.
I'm an only child and I still get a basket. Shut up. I'm 42.
Jahooni--kids these days grow up waaaay too fast. Let them believe as long as they want to. Have you seen The Polar Express? I WISH I still believed in Santa.
Fill the basket...and let her come to you with the question of reality...I filled my daughters basket till she moved out at 19...
I agree with Emmak's comment. Let some fucked up kid's at school tell her. LOL!
I didn't have to worry about telling my oldest dauther. She lost a tooth last week and one of her friends at school said "you know the tooth fairy is your parents, right?"
She came home and asked me about it, so I told her yes, we're the tooth fairy. She was okay with it actually, and I told her that just because she knows doesnt mean we can still pretend for the other kids. She thought that was pretty cool.
Tell her that you have some bad news.
Tell her that you saw the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus locked together in fight to the death. Tell her you heard the gun go off and watched in horror as the rabbit fell to the ground in a pool of blood. Give her the very last basket he'll ever deliver.
This Christmas ask her if she remembers the incident at Easter. Then tell her about Santa getting the electric chair after the trial.
It's what my parents did. It worked and I was the better child for it.
This will be Micah's first Easter. I'm so excited to share with him the knife Santa used to kill the Easter Bunny with.
You could have gotten out of 2 of the 3 just by not being Christian, but that said, since most of us are or are just following traditions handed down to us by those who are, I think you can pretty much just express it and the kids will know that it was done for their benefit (they got gifts out of the whole thing and it's not like your nixing the gifts - just changing name tags).
As for me, I found Santa and the tooth fairy easy to give up, but since I saw a bunny shadow on 1 easter eve when i was like 5, I had more trouble with that. 2 or 3 repeated - "it's not real" statements, and I was done.
And theoretically, we both turned out well for the lies we were told.
I think that's part of a revisionist history book, but alas, that's just me.
Hoppy Easter jahooni Macarooooni :)
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