This is our dog Cody. I paid $500 for this damn dog. Yeah Yeah Yeah, he is cute BUT OH MY FREAKIN GOSH, he is a devil in disguise!!! Trust me.
Cody turned 1 in January. All I get from people is "He is JUST a PUPPY", "Oh what a Pretty Dog", blah blah blah until they see the little shit in action, then they too are like send the damn demon seed AWAY!
It is that bad people! He is now starting to snap at us if we tell him something or make him do something he doesn't think he should have to do. He thinks he is Alpha Dog. He doesn't mind one damn bit. He pees on purpose in front of me even. I just spent money on my carpets and the little shit did it the day after I had them done! I could have killed him.
We walk him. Not everyday while my sister was here but now that they are gone we are. Still no change. We buy him treats (even though he doesn't deserve shit), we play with him (even though I would rather kill him), and all the crap that good dog owners do. The only thing we have yet to do is doggy training but he is sooooo hyper and uncontolable that they probably wouldn't even let us in the class. I am at my witts end.
I think I was ripped off! I really truly believe that the breeders over bread and this is the cause of their stupidity. He even has teeth problems. Half of his lower mouth never came in, not even his lower fang.
My husband raised Springer's and never once has he had such a problem child. He hunts (well he things he hunts birds) and wanted Cody for that. How can he have a dog do that if the dog won't even sit for you!!! Yes Yes Yes, it is that bad at times.
Cody would make a great farm dog. He needs to be out in the open fields to be as dumb as the goats. Does anyone have a farm and would you take the poor thing for me?
What a cute widdle pup-eeeeeee!
PetsMart has obedience classes.
You have to "go wolf" on him. I saw that on Oprah though I have no idea how to do it. It shows the dog you are the alpha.
i need more training than Petsmart. We take him there for treats, he'll think that is a JOKE!
Oprah knows everything right?!
Try feeding him onion and yellow pepper sandwiches!
I'm thinkin' Spaniel Parmigiana. You would be surprised how well dog substitutes for veal. Yum-Oh!! Cheers!!
Springers are great dogs but they do need LOTS of exercise (you know that anyway, of course).
The snapping and peeing is the big one, especially with a kid in the house. Have you thought about castration?
Just had a thought regarding castration. There is an injection that you can get him that will have the same (temporary) effect as castration so you might be able to give this a try to see what happens.
Seriously, the worst is behind you. Some dogs take a while.
Karen is right. There was an episode of South Park where Eric Cartman's mother got a famous dog trainer to whip her son into shape. I can't remember his name, I think he was a Latino. Make the dog realise he is inferior to you.
Dog obedience school sounds like it's the way to go, if you can't find a person with a farm. My friend the Birdman is the manager of a pet spa and kennel and could probably give you some good advise. You can find his link on my sidebar or just click on his name. I'm sure he wouldn't mind talking to you.
You have to get tough!
You GOT to be the boss!
But most important you have to take the time, always have little and I mean little treats with you for whenever he does as you wish and ONLY when he does as you wish.
Wish I could stop by and help train you. My real name is Ceasor.
I forgot...Very beautiful dog!
If you're thinking of a replacement, I'm free. I have full control of my bladder.
Hello honey dipped muffins of lovable cuteness!
Did you miss me?
Insulin is a wonderful thing. Day two and I'm feeling better than I have in a long time.
Later tater...
If I had somethign more than an apartment, I would offer, but alas, until I win POwerball on Saturday night...
Have a great weekend.
i don't do dogs. they stink, even when they're clean. 'sides...cats are easier to verbally abuse. they're less sensitive.
poor cody... just acting out of frustration! ;) what can a child do when he's from a dysfunctional family??!!!
did you go back to the breeder? i thought you were gonna go and talk to her?
i think he's trying to get you guys because he doesn't want to mind. he's outta control, that's for sure. hubby always wanted a dog but changed his mind real quick after being around cody. i'm glad coz i like the cats way better!!
I like Karens idea of going Wolf on him... I had to show our lab who was boss a time or two.
Thanks you guys... i will let you know what ever happens! I love him but yet hate him.
FINALLY, Um Naief is BACK to blogging! It's about freakin time.
Take him to that dude what's-his-name on TV who can talk to dogs...
Me? I think ALL dogs are evil, so I don't want nothing to do with him ;)
Dogs can be a love hate relationship
Like the wise "doc" said, dogs are a love-hate realtionship. They are very hard work. If you are not up to it, then please give him to someone who is. Dogs can sense when you are angry or don't want them - and this is making his beavhior worse. I have cats and I had a gorgeous Lab that my ex now has - and I say dogs are harder. But please give him a break while you figure out what to do with him. He's just a dog!
Oh, what a shaaaaame. First thing I said when the page loaded was "oh what a cutie!" But, if your hubbie reared Springers then he knows what he's talking about.
There is a TV reality show here called Deog Borstal where evil dogs and their owners both get whipped into shape by boot camp-style dog trainers.
Or, send Cody to my mother. She used to tame people's bad kids too. We had a feisty Springer and he worshipped the ground she walked on. She used to make him leave his food on command, and all that kind of thing. Also, my aunt's dog is very naughty but he obeys my mum like his life depends on it. Maybe she has some deep connection with dogs, I don't know how she does it.
I have been there ..this is how ya do it.
#1, our dog Jeter did the snappy thing, almost bit my neice in the face...Michael turned to him and punched him in the face. He has never done it since. I am not saying punch the dog, but, thing is, you have to show him who is boss.
When the dog snaps, grab his snowzer, or stand almost over him and say NO, real loud and deep. He needs to know he is not Alpha.
The dog cannot be on people, bed ect. They need to be 'below' us, this way the alpha dog is no more.
As far as peeing. Start kenneling him during the day and at night if you have to during people sleep. Just to train the dog to hold it. When the dog comes in every other time, say good dog for going potty and give a treat. If you do it everytime then they expect it everytime.
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