Okay, this is going to be short and sweet.
I have a guy that I hire to clean my carpets and tile floors ever so often. My sister just left (as you all know) and the carpets and my tile floors (kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, etc. etc.) needed a good scrub-a-dub-dub. Family, babies, parties, family, parties, FAMILY.... did i say that? yeah I did. Well anyways...
He rang the door bell at 8:30 this morning. He was here until after 2pm (yes that is how gross my carpets were people, but then again I have over a 2800 sq ft house and didn't i mention that I had family here for 2.5 months!) it needed it! oh yeah and a DOG (that is my next post... our f'in dog!)
OKAY, my point is this!
When he comes he takes almost all my furniture out of the house, onto my front porch and my back. He puts crap all on my beds, in my shower, in my tub, on my couches, on my counters, etc. etc. etc. It is a complete Ruckus when I get home. I spend 4 hours putting my house back together after he leaves.
BUT he does do a freakin good job. My carpet looks brand new, it feels good to walk on with bare feet again and my white tile (yes I said white, I know I know... I bought the house this way) looks awesome. I shouldn't complain BUT...
BUT for $250.00 wouldn't ya think he would help out or maybe not make such a disaster for me when I return. I dunno, I am just irked and tired. I work all day. I am a mother and a partial wife ** giggles ** and I pay for the entire job to be done so I can come home and rest.
Am I wrong here? Do you feel my pain? what the heck!
It just seems like a lot of money, when I did most of the work!!!!!!