Today is Monday. I hate Monday mornings...
When I got to work today the same person that annoys the heck out of me was being loud and obnoxious, going on and on about her weekend. Her birthday was last Wednesday and she is one of those types that celebrate for an entire week!
Lordy I mean she had the office take her to lunch on her birthday, then her boss took her the next day, then she wanted to celebrate Happy Hour Friday after work (which I don't think anyone went) and then she had a bunch of us meet her at a local pub on Saturday night (she is the cousin of a friend of mine)... Well anyway, here it is Monday and she is now taking the balloons down from her desk and throwing away the decorations and going on and on and on and on about it, she even mentioned she can't wait for next year!!!!
I need to pray.
Your too cute! "I need to pray"...I love it!
Most of the time, people like that are really hurting on the inside and starving for attention. Feel sorry for her and glad that you are not her. = my advice. :0)
I could swear that you are talking about your self.....hahahahaha
dont you think so um naief
Love ya
This must be Annoying Coworker Week. We need to put them all on an island together and they can annoy each other to death. The one left standing gets a cookie.
You enjoy ganging up on me don't you!!! Leave it to family to be supportive Blog Buddies!
I don't celebrate my birthday like that but I think Um Naief has a little of that in her!
Ever seen the movie Trains, Planes and Automobiles?
Rock Chef,
Yes I have but it's been such a long time... I assume there is a reference about this in the movie. Guess I need to watch it again!
ohhhhh pluuuueeease!!!! i have NEVER gone on like that about my birthday.... never. i'm very low key when it comes to birthdays....
marci is right... you are a little like that... maybe that's why it annoys you so much! ;) hehehehehe
it's good to have someone to gang up on you with.... i can't wait to meet marci.... she has to come to visit when we come to cali :)
Happy Monday deary!
Um Naeif,
I would smack you if my arm could reach to Bahrain...
I went to a kick boxing class with a co-worker last night, so you better watch out when you do come! Actually I am sooooo sore I can barely move.
We can drive to Arizona and visit with her...
Marci, can we come ram shack your house when my sister comes to visit next year???
kick boxing!!! oh man, i'd love to do that. but hey, i know tae bo, so WATCH OUT! ;)
i'd love to drive to arizona. how fun would that be! hashim's never been there. he'd love it.
we're thinking of going to egypt at the end of january w/ MIL. so that means we may come to cali around last of march or april. but, then again, it'll all depend on costs and such. that'd be around mom's bday and katelyn's. that would be fun and naief would love it. :) but NOTHING is for certain... as you know how we are.
i feel sooooo fat.
Is this a catfight between sisters? I think your co-worker needs a hug from someone. Not me.
A hug from GB? That would shut her up for a bit.
Try and enjoy it; there's a girl in my office with a really loud, braying laugh, like a donkey. I guess I'm lucky, I like it.
Trains, Planes and Automobiles - John Candy as a big jolly type who seems to think that life is just one big party with Steve Martin finding him indescribably annoying. Great fun, but in the end it turns out rather as Logzie suggested.
me, I hide under the table for my birthday, not to say everyone celebrates it, but I am at the age where I think...damn, 'now I am just getting old'.
Yes Janeen you and your sister can come and stay with me anytime I would love to meet her......
talk to ya soon
i'm like ellie... i hide and pretend it didn't come... or just lie and tell ppl that i'm 26.
looking back... i wish i would have celebrated for a week when i was that age!
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