Well I have started working out and thought about trying a new exercise. A co-worker of mine is a beautiful Asian, in VERY good shape and swears by kick boxing. She goes at least 6 times a week (different classes at 3 different gyms... did I say, very in shape!) She invited me to go to a hour long class on Monday at 24 Hour Fitness.
She told me that Monday classes are not advanced and this would be a good class to learn. BTW-I have never taken a kick boxing class... my routine of exercising is walking/jogging on treadmill, sit-ups, the stationary bike and some of the lifting equipment if I feel "perky" and walking the dog sometimes...
Anyhoo, we get there and warm up on the treadmill for 10 minutes prior to the class. We go in and she proceeds to go to the front of the class next to the instructor, and I am like "Oh No You Didn't!", she motions me up there and I was so devastated. She says that being up front makes you work out even harder. The music starts and I was like, Okay I can do this .. it was a jab there and a kick there, and ALL OF A SUDDEN the music changes and everyone yells 1,2,3 and WAM BAM it is all HIGH GEAR and I was like "WHAT?!" It was so fast, so hard and I had no idea what the hell I was doing... I didn't know what the Terminology meant, I couldn't keep up, I couldn't kick that high, I couldn't kick behind my back... I thought I would die.
I started to really fill ill after 35 minutes. I couldn't continue. She apologized because she said that they switched Monday's to HIGH IMPACT and she forgot. She said that being my first time that I really did a good job at keeping up, etc. I was like, Yah Right. I left the class and cooled down on the treadmill for 5 minutes.
I drove back to home and decided to stop by my gym (yes same night.. what the heck was I thinking) and I ended up working out more, did 150 sit-ups and the sauna before going home to collapse!
The next morning I was sore. I went to work and Kim (co-worker) showed me some stretches to do, but while I was doing them my back was really really hurting... that evening I did sit-ups over the phone with my sister in Bahrain and while I was doing them my back didn't feel right. WELL, GUESS WHAT?
My back went out when I tried to get up yesterday morning for work! I screamed at the pain. The pain is soooooooo intense and my muscle's started to contract. I couldn't lift my arm up at all. It hurt to get up and move around. I had to miss work. I did muscle stem and bio freeze and ice all day long. I feel like an old person and I am only 34! How sad is this being so out of shape. I want to cry. Everyone at work is laughing because I called in sick.
I will never do kick boxing again!
Im afraid to try that excercise! Curves is bad enough! I have enjoyed your blog.
God Bless,
Claire Kennedy
are you thinking about seafood? instead of 'muscles' you put 'mussels'.... :)
i feel bad for you. we prob shouldn't have done the 100 extra sit-ups over the phone... but you insisted! and.. you prob shouldn't have gone to your gym after. i told you that you'd be sore the next day... and wham bam... look at you.
you can't stop. don't let this keep you down. for some reason, every time me and you start some type of exercise regime, something like this happens to put a stop to all of our hard work.
i hope you start to feel better.
Eid has started, so we have a long holiday. 5 days off... i'm looking forward to, hopefully, getting a few days of extra sleep...
tomorrow we have lunch w/ the family and then on sunday it's lunch w/ the entire clan. like 30 ppl!! woooohooooooo naief will love all the attention. i've noticed he's an attention hog. :)
Oh my!! I am so sorry!! My husband can relate to that back pain as he threw his back out 2 weeks ago and has other times in the past. Our friend, a physical therapist, has helped him immensly by aligning his back. Do you know a physical therapist?
I agree with your sister...don't let this hump in the road take you off course. I am very proud of you!!
Thanks for stopping by.. but too bad you had to read about all my health problems ;-)
Um Naief & Logziella,
I plan on working out tomorrow morning.. slow on treadmill for 30 minutes with stretching. I am NOT giving Up!
I love to work out but I Never take the classes they kick my butt and Im sore for the next three days....
Did you get my email on the 5k training?
I hope that you dont stop working out and I hope that you feel better soon.....
Anyways you are lucky that you have Brandon to help you with your back....
Love ya
The problem with trying to be healthy is that it can make you sick!
For example, my wife has been loosing weight really well this year, but now she has a gallstone! Oh well.
Rock Chef,
What has she been doing to loose it?
Man, that is *the* painful way to start exercise! I'm back in the gym for the first time in a year and have been sore this week, but that's with a gentle start - yoga, treadmill, rowing machine, floor exercises...
Start slowly and work your way up...otherwise you'll just put yourself off the idea!
Ok, doing anything 6 days a week is bad for you. Except eating.
Counting calories and exercising (yoga, a cross-trainer and weights mainly). Just sensible stuff.
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