My girlfriend Logziella has really gotten me in the mood to go home and decorate for fall and Halloween. I love this time of year... wishing I lived back east or midwest so I could see all the pretty changes of colors... Oh how I miss that.
Katelyn has decided to go as a little Indian girl. Her outfit is turning out really cute (found her Indian top at a thift store for $1.00- can't beat that) and we are hand making bead necklaces, headband with feathers, etc. Should be really cute. We make her costumes every year so finding something for a buck was exciting....
I think I am going to make a scarecrow this year for my front yard.... I have lots of pumpkin decorations but isn't this little guy really cute?! I can make this. This will be our week project or weekend.. hee hee (like I can get this done working full-time!, gosh that is another thing I miss NOT working all the dang time!... why did I take this job?! Ugh!)
I love to buy tons of pumpkins and gourds... but where can I get hay stacks? Hymn.....
Need to buy enough pumpkins for decorating closer to the 31st. That is hubbies fav thing to do for Halloween... and eat all the candy ;-)
Will take a picture of my scarecrow once it's complete to compare them!
Hoping to get started tonight. Hoping.
Yay!! I can't wait to see pictures!! I too missed the fall colors when we lived in Oklahoma. We only saw a few there. I imagine you really don't see any there in the desert huh. When my tree in the front yard turns fire red, I'll take a picture and post it just for you! :0)
Kenzie is going as a Princess...just like last year...oh well it's easy.
Logan is going to be Spiderman.
Ella is going to be Snow White. I found her costume on 90% clearance last year...it was under $2!
Usually I am more creative but this year I am plain tired! HA!
What's the cut-off age for trick-or-treating?
Hope you post pics of your scarecrow.
hey, you might be able to find hay stacks at the place where you took aunt aloma... the market place w/ food. can't remember the name to save my life right at this moment.
i miss the weather or fall, and the leaves... the sound they make when you walk across a bunch of dried leaves....
i remember when we were young, we lived in this one house w/ a big front yard, and a huge tree that would make the best dried leaves. i'd rake them and we'd jump inside, toss around and such...
the scarecrow will be an easy task... especially when mom there. have fun w/ that... i'd love to be there to help. i love stuff like this. i decorated my yard up one fall... w/ haystacks, pumpkins and a scarecrow... you'll love it.
i have the video up on my blog if you wanna watch it. also sent you an email re: another blog and a video to show you what the middle of ramadan is like here... w/ children and such. sorta like halloween w/ them going door to door... but different. let me know what ya think.
I shall post pictures BUT I had to work late last night because of a crisis here at work with an employee. I might have to fire someone today. Dreadful.
Gorilla bananas,
You are too funny. A kid at heart can always treak-or-treat or they can steal all the other kids candy!
oh yeah... i think an indian is precious for katelyn. she'll look soooo beautiful. can't wait to see the pictures.
won't take naief this year, but am looking forward to when he gets old enough to start being interested. then we'll dress him up and take him out for halloween.
when you said indian, i almost thought asian... from india. wondered how you'd do that... but figured you'd find a way, and how cute it would be.
it's farmer's market... just remembered :)
Hm, I wonder...if the kids in the Bronx go trick or treating...
Olivia - they probably have a variation on the theme. Where I live there was one a couple of years ago with groups of teenagers demanding money from the old folk...
On October 1st, I walk down to the store and buy a crapload of candy corn. By October 20th, I'm so sick of it that I don't want to see it again for a year. Someday, I'll make it to Halloween before sickening myself completely. It's good to have goals.
Candy Corn I think is the grossest (is that how you spell grossest?) candy of all time. Posting a picture just for you...
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