I wanted to post some pictures of my visit with my sister and nephew but my computer at home is being worked on.... so here are some laughs... i just love Christmas comics like these. I can go on and on and on searching the websites finding so many that just cracks me up!
We got a new tree (for free) and it's actually bigger, fresher and prettier than the last one we had. My sister and I had fun decorating it together....Naief wanted to play with all the ornaments and would cry when we took them away from him. We shopped all weekend and got some great deals and I am soooo happy to say that I am ALMOST DONE! YIPPPEEEE! Also I wrapped ALL of my gifts (probably about 50 or more!) over the weekend (stayed up till almost 2am every night) and the only ones I have left to wrap are the ones I still need to buy this week. So my MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED! Whew what a stress reliever knowing that now I can relax and enjoy the days ahead. Is it just me or is Christmas time a BIG STRESS? I miss being a child and not having to worry about this or that. Oh well....
Hey another thing... i haven't sent out my Christmas cards yet because I wanted to take a family picture but with Katelyn being so sick and my sister coming I haven't found the time. Is it too late or should I just send a generic card with no picture and hurry up and mail them??? I have never missed a year without sending out cards....
Why not send e-cards instead? The paper ones will just end up in the bin.
I agree with gorilla bananas if you are not going to send out the family picture Christmas card like you do every year then just send e-cards the paper ones people send me I just throw away after Christmas.....unlike the pictures they go in my Christmas photo album.....
Oh I talked to Melissa and we would love for you and your sister to come and have dinner with us on Thursday 27th
cant wait to see you.....
talk to ya later.....
Oops! I meant to write my cards tonight!
Call me old fashioned but I still like paper cards because it means someone put pen to paper just for me.
listen...i want to save trees as much as the next person...but this is the one time a year where you actually get mail! how fun is that? really fun. and as someone who works in email for a living...an e-card just says "hello. i do things half-assed but i'm saving a tree so maybe you won't notice". boo.
I sent someone the card with Rudolph attacking the hunter!
I would get a box of cards and send them out ASAP!
Christmas cards were a PAIN IN MY BUTT this year!! I JUST finished them about 2 mins. ago and I need to get them into the mailbox pronto!
Glad you got a new tree!
Katlyn is still not feeling good?? Oh my!
Those are some cute comics, Jahooni.
What does "Jahooni" mean? Just a nickname?
Send the cards at once. Unload some stress.
the tv said that yesterday or today was the busiest mailing day... so you better hurry if you mail out cards so that they'll get there on time.
the tree looks fabulous. much prettier than the one before.
LOVE the first funny. it's the best... and i've seen the snowman one before but it always gives me a laugh.
LOL! It's the 27th and I still haven't gotten out all of my cards.
I love the paper cards, too!
I hadn't seen the first cartoon...LMAO!!!!
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