This is my daughter Katelyn as a little Indian. Cute huh? Found the shirt (for her a dress) at a thrift store for a whoppin $1.00! We made the headband and necklaces. Cheap and cute. The way I like it!
The little boy and girl are my best friend's children (also a family picture of them)... this is who is getting married. She never thought she would marry again after being married for 13 years and having Andrew, but she met Robert in her home town of WI (get it, cheese heads?) and they have been together for almost 5 years with two little precious baby girls, which I call my own! ;)
My hubby and I aren't in any of the pictures... oh wait, I am in one- at a Halloween party with some of my girlfriends... can you guess which one is me?! ;-) can my family guess? LOL
Anyhoo, sorry it's taken me so long (you know who) and I promise to post more pictures now.... need to live up to bloggers standards!
Oh and I put a picture of Katelyn in her Brownie uniform. Since that day she has lost her 2ND front tooth.... so I guess "All she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth!"
Wow quick response good job
Katelyn looks sooooo cute....
Love ya
you're the one in the army fatigues... :)
katelyn looks cute as an indian, but thank goodness she was born w/ blonde hair.. the dark eyebrows just don't suit her... altho they're perfect for the outfit.
why are you stressed out about the wedding. you're not the one getting married. i think you love to be bothered by stress!!!
Im' sorry...I didn't mean to pressure you...I am completely framiliar with stress so I understand that!
The pictures are great! Did you dye Katelyn's hair for Halloween? I wanted Kenzie to be Snow White so I could dye her hair black but she wouldn't let me.
I was guessing you were the one in Arm Fatigues and then I saw that your sister (Hi Um Naief!) said that too so I figured I guess correctly. look great!
Thanks for all those pictures! Looks like you all had fun!!
homemade costumes are essential. none of that store-bought crappola. look at me making rules i have no right to make. glorious.
Great eyebrows there Katelyn!
Jahooni, are you a forest ranger or a drill sergeant in that pic? Can you come wake me up in the mornings???
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