Well it's that time of year (for those who celebrate) for Santa Clause. And even if you don't you still might have children or opinions on this topic.
What is the best gifts out there? What toys are a hit? What does every little girl and boy want?
I only have one child so spoiling her is just natural! ;-)
HasbroHasbro's Furreal Friends Squawkers McCaw Parrot is a toy which makes it's presence felt! This toy takes technology and interactive play to the next level with features such as voice recognition, animatronics, and dance and sing features. The only word of caution is that it can repeat what you say, so watch those words coming out of your mouth! It comes with a remote control which has pre-programmed voice commands which can prompt the parrot to say something or dance if there's music playing. Although, since this parrot loves to dance, it will do so to his own tunes too. This product sells for about $70. The Squawkers McCaw Parrot is for those of you who are looking for something different this holiday season.
My daughter has asked for this from Santa... (okay she is 7 and still believes...., but hey I am 34 and still believe...) but I will NOT be buying this. Is that cruel? I just don't see the logic in a talking parrot!!!! And especially one that is fake!
Just curious on what Mommies and Daddies are buying this year... and so is Marci! ;-)
Tap dancing shoes are what I would recommend.
Josh is asking Santa for an electric razor scooter....oh Josh wants that stupid talking bird too but I told him NO WAY....
of course Jake he wants a new skateboard deck....
As for the hole cell phone thing we have decided to go with two-way radios that have a 20 mile radius....which should be just fine for the neighborhood
I'm sure any 7yr old boy would like that
And our little princess is getting a electric pink quad from santa.....
oh and I will let you know tomorrow if Chandrea is pregnant......I hope so
Love Ya
For me the must have family toy is the Nintendo Wii. Lots of active, fun games that even old gits like me can play with a chance of success!
I once saw this show where there was a murder and the only witness was a talking parrot. And sometimes he would scream "no richard! stop!" but they never arrested anyone. Now that I think about it...that was really stupid. How hard would've have been to find Richard? Not hard. Lazy cops.
My favorite thing from that age was my diary. It was hello kitty with a lock so no one could get in but me. And now not even me. I've lost both the keys 20 years later.
but she didn't ask 'you' for it...didn't she ask 'santa' for it?
Unless it's like $40 bucks or something. I do know what you mean. Have you seen the dinosaur. I thought how cool. It's a dinosaur that changes moods and develops a personality based on how your kid plays with it. Kinda like the furbies. So I went to go check it out...$300 bucks for that shiz...crazy NO WAY!
Jahooni - I think a gift of that parrot makes far more sense than gifting your daughter a live one. After all ... she's only 7.
There will be no watering, feeding or .. above all .. cleaning chores. Perfect for a young child. I say go for it.
I saw that Parrott toy at Target...it's really annoying! I warned you...:0)
i think this little parrot is cute. the thought of him dancing and saying words is really cute... but could get boring after a while.
aaahhhh, the joys of deciding what to buy for christmas. that's always been tough for me. now w/ having the baby, it'll just get more painful as the years go by... always trying to decide what to get.
I think Logzie is right - I have seen this on TV and can just tell it is going to be one of those toys where you end up ripping the batteries out and hiding it at the bottom of a toy box.
Ooh I want the birdie too. No, but seriously, I have been intrigued by all the robotic toys on the market today. Like the robot dog, or the dinosaur that will try to bite your ankles as soon as you unpack it from the box!
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