Well my Aunt Aloma flew in from Florida Friday night. This was basically the first time that I met her (last time was when i was a little girl age 5 or 6 but can't remember her at all) so it was exciting but a bit nerve wracking as well....
My hubby was off in a fishing tournament for the weekend so it was just my Mother, my Aunt, Kate and me to busy ourselves with activities. That was kinda nice because it gave us all time to get acquainted (again) and to have girly time.
We woke up at the crack of dawn (7ish and yep that is the "crack of dawn" for ME) and set off to go yard selling and thrift store shopping. My Mom warned me that my Aunt LOVES to go yard selling BUT OMG.... ALL DAY????
Yes we went to, hymn... let's see... about 6/7 yard sales around my house before heading an hour or so away to Orange County to go to GOD knows how many more there, along with something like 5 thrift stores, a farmers market, squeezed in lunch, drove an hour home to stop at yet another thrift store before they closed!!!! Now sometimes I drive by yard sales to check out "threw the window" to see if they have anything worth getting out of the car for BUT not Aunt Aloma, everyone MUST get out each time to scavendure through ALL the boxes and junk. I don't know how in the heck I survived but I did. My poor little girl kept saying " Do I have to get out of the car this time?"
Then we came home, had some drinks while making a yummy dinner of fresh produce from the farmers market (we were there a for over an hour!), then we stayed up and tried to talk to my sister in Bahrain on the computer before heading off to bed to begin the next day with a full load.
Yesterday I drove my Aunt to Palm Springs to see all of the windmills and to also go to the local casino. She didn't win - she lost $20.00 plus the cost of a Mama Bahama-which she picked out which was pretty dang tasty! But mother won $65.00!!!! That made her happy but she was pissed that she had to buy her own drinks - which I bought her ONE and refused to buy her anymore... guess Vegas spoiled her. I lost $10.00. But we had a nice time. At least we were doing something besides going to Yard Sales! Whew....
Tonight we are going to BBQ chicken on the grill and maybe watch a movie. She likes scary movies... so maybe I'll rent that movie Number 23 or something like that.
Um Naeif, don't be mad. I will take you to as many yard sales as you want TOO! ;-) Wishing you were here with us. She thinks Naief is adorable. Will try to call you again before she leaves, have your computer fixed by Friday (our night time). She leaves Sunday the 23rd.
It has been nice meeting someone new in my family. She is very sweet and courteous BUT has a little addiction to Yard Sales!
Hehe, you're cute. I didn't know there were enough hours in one day for that many yard sales PLUS farmers markets.
My mother has friends in Palm Springs and every time she visits she wants to live there. She likes the mountains and the sky, and of course the fun she can have!
Ha! I love yard sales too but I am with you on the "look thru the window" thing! I only get out if I can actually see something I want.
It's interesting to hear you mention places like Palm Springs and Orange County as we were just researching these places for a possible job transfer for my husband. We decided on Temecula and now it looks like the transfer is not going to happen anyway. Oh well!
you know... i sit here and think about the time i was there... and i can't help but to remember how you REFUSED TO GET OUTTA BED until at least 10!!! grouchy mood upon waking, and oh gosh... after coming home from work... can't even mention the mood.
the memories! :)
this next time better be more on the scale of what you give to other relatives!!! or else ;)
i love yard selling, but i don't stop at all of them. the last time i went to any was when me and hashim went to indiana. it was the best time. they had a huge, huge yard sale type of thing in vernon and it was the best stuff... tons of antiques and such. we bought all kinds of things. i miss that. they dont do a lot of them here and usually it's furniture w/ a bit of a price tag... because you get the expats that are leaving and such, so they're selling everything.
i'm surprised that you haven't taken her to san diego! just to try the mexican restaurant there!!
It was a lovely day in Plam Springs BUT really windy.
Hey you... I just read your blog yesterday and was going to leave a comment on there today about your calorie counting, weight loss, etc. How about being diet buddies. My goal is 150 too. I have 30 lbs to lose!
Dear Sister,
I slept late so I could stay up and play scrabble all night! Hee hee.
Hah! We woke up at the crack of, erm, 10 o'clock on Sunday. Tee-hee!
If you're looking for a scary movie, try Shaun of the Dead, aka a romantic comedy. With zombies.
Toot toot!
I'm up for it...although I don't know how much support I will be as I am still trying to figure it out for myself...HA! But...yah, let's do it! :0)
and lose to me!!! or should i bow to the wizzzzzzz :)
next time you wont be able to sleep late, coz naief will open your eyelids and insist on getting up!!!
ok... and why can't you be diet buddies w/ me! ;) kidding. but... crap, i need some motivation! i think exercising once a month won't cut it... you think?!
jahooni, I just saw in the side bar that you like butterflies.
But do you like flutterflies?
I have one now in my blog. LOL
It seems Um Naief doesn't feel like going around blogs other than feminine...hmmm probably Ramzan month. :)
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