Going on vacation to Yosemite area for 9 days....
It is soooooooo beautiful there. This picture doesn't really do it justice. The trees are so lush, the air is so clear. I have gone every year for the last 14 years.... There is ALWAYS something new to see or do.
Have tons to do in the next couple days. Hubby is wanting everything packed and ready to go 2 days prior to leaving.... GEEZ. I thought camping is supposed to be "relaxful"? And the fact that we have a new travel trailer, I thought it would be easier to get organized but NOT really!
Wanted my Mom to go with us but with the high elevation and her breathing problems, she has chosen to stay home and do this and that. I worry about leaving her for so long but I have girlfriends that will check on her and bring her some goodies to eat. Guess I will find her a lovely pine cone ;-)
Hoping I catch a BIGGER fish than hubby! So long... bloggers.
I hope you do have a "relaxful" time after the chaos of packing and travelling!
By the time you return I will (?) be back on broadband and should see the photos :)
Oh, look! The Olivias are piling up here! Happy vacation, and hope to hear all about your adventures!
Hey ! Hurry back will you ?
Take care and I wish you all the best.
Hi everboddy tonight i,m going camping well tomorow oh what ever. so i,m going to lee vining and i,m going to have a great time there oh and I forgotend that Daddy and Mommy is going to have a great time too. I,m going to fish eat it after Daddy takes all of the gutes and the eyes and then we eat the fish. wooooooohoooo I get to sleep all day/. Goodbye love,Katelyn.
i so wish i was there to go w/ you. why couldn't you wait until i come???? i can imagine the air... i just love it. that's the way it was at the Grand Canyon. the mountains and the pines look amazing in this photo.
hope you guys love it and the new tend trailer is fabulous... altho you guys have tried it out already, so you know it's grand....
i'm just sitting here... thinking how i need that relaxation! but... always remember, your hubby is a virgo, like your dear sister, so there's no last minute! pack, pack, pack!
"going to catch a bigger fish than hubby"
You make it sound like you're off husband hunting!
Bring back a good 'un then ;)
You forgot to say that you will cook it before eating. LOL
Um naief is longing to be there, you see ?
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