This is my sister, Um Naief (AKA-Tooners AKA-Tania) and this adorable baby boy is my nephew Naief. They live in Bahrain. She fell in love with a Bahraini Boy and left her poor family behind over 4 years ago to live without her. Was I mad, Heck yah!
I have never been there yet. I want to go. I have promised her countless times that we would go, we being: my husband, my daughter, our mother... but with my daughter in school, etc. and our mother having chronic emphysema and the cost of four people to go there, whew. Maybe next year I will go myself or just with Katelyn. One of these days.....
Anyways, to get to my topic. She and Naief are COMING IN TWO WEEKS to spend Christmas with us and then Hashim (her hubby) will join us the end of January to celebrate Naief's 1st birthday on February 4th. I just found this out LAST NIGHT, yes I said, LAST NIGHT! OMG!
Am I prepared? Hell NO! We weren't really expecting them until after the New Year, and they usually come once a year and we celebrate the Holidays, etc. and exchange gifts at that time, so I HAVE BOUGHT NOTHING YET!
I am very happy because it's been YEARS since we were together for Christmas. And I will finally get to hold my nephew for the first time. This is her only child. And I really never thought my sister would have a baby. She wasn't the best Aunt... (just kidding) she is, but she never was into children. now seeing her as a mother, it was meant to be. Precious.
Us as sisters, well we have this LOVE/HATE relationship. We love hard and we fight hard. It's not easy at times but I think, actually I know, that this visit will be different. It has to be! There isn't enough time to fight over the silly things.... so, Um Naief, do as I say and everything will be just peachy! ;-)
2 weeks, OMG! OMG! OMG!