Thursday, May 29, 2008


Dana said...

What?? Did you just want to show up on my reader??

Rock Chef said...

Couldn't agree more, you most cutting post ever! Politicians could certainly learn a lesson from you!

Jay said...

Very deep and thoughtful post Jahooni. It brought a tear to my eye.

Jahooni said...

well at least i posted! ;)~

Gorilla Bananas said...

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."

Cool Hand Luke.

Rock Chef said...

Jahooni - you came back to read the comments too! Fantastic!

Schmoop said...

Deeply moving, profound, and incredibly succinct. Brilliant!! Cheers Jahooooooni!!

Anonymous said...

if we could get congress to take such an approach!

Um Naief said...

mom told me that brandon's grandfather is dying. i'm sorry to hear that. he was a sweet man. i didn't know him well, but i felt for him when i saw his state this past christmas.

my thoughts are with him and w/ charley.. i know this must be hard for her. please send my love and tell her that i'm thinking of her and wishing only the best....

hope brandon is ok. probably not showing a lot of his pain. and hope you are doing ok. making the drive every evening can't be easy. take care of yourself. you deserve only goodness.

kara said...

don't make me analyze this. i'm only one glass in.